Excursions to electronic dance music performances as a form of event cultural tourism.

Sebastian Świergiel, Karolina Buczkowska


Every year, both in the world and Poland, electronic dance music events are organized. Tourists who attend them can be named cultural tourists (of modern culture) because of their often wide knowledge of the subject and their frequent participation in the events. The article is an attempt to investigate this rarely-analyzed phenomenon in the context of cultural tourism. It includes the following: the outline of music events history in Poland, the description of their character and organization, and a more detailed characteristic of some chosen events. The key part of the article presents the results of empirical research regarding tourists’ participation in such events in Poland and abroad.


event; elektroniczna muzyka taneczna; turystyka kulturowa; turystyka eventowa

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.62875/tk.v5i0.242


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