Assessing the Contribution of Chosen Events to the Development of the Nigerian Tourism Industry: A Focus on Lagos State
This study explored the impact of concerts and festivals on the development of the Nigerian tourism industry through a case study of Lagos State. The primary objectives were to investigate the types and development levels of available concerts and festivals; analyse the strategies adopted to create awareness of these events; evaluate the roles played by the government and its agencies in their development; examine the benefits of concerts and festivals for tourism industry in Nigeria. A quantitative and descriptive research survey was used to collect primary data. A sample of 352 individuals from a population of 450 participated in the study. A self-developed questionnaire served as a data collection instrument. Descriptive statistics such as frequency counts, percentages, and graphs were used to describe the attributes of the respondents. Means were used to answer research questions and multiple linear regression was used to test hypotheses at the
0.05 significance level.
The study identified eight predominant festivals and concerts in Lagos state, exhibiting varying levels of development. Local advertising emerged as the dominant strategy to create awareness. Although state and local governments offered development incentives, federal involvement was absent. Interestingly, the study found a positive but statistically insignificant impact of concerts and festivals on tourism development.
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