W stronę przewodnictwa interpretatywnego. Nowe podejścia i nowe usługi na przykładzie wybranych miast europejskich
Słowa kluczowe
Pełny tekst:
Cohen E., 1985, The tourist guide: The origins, structure and dynamics of a role, “Annals of Tourism Research” 12 (1), ss 5-29
Ham S., Weiler B., 2007, Isolating the Role of On-site Interpretation in a Satisfying Experience, “Journal of Interpretaion Research, t. 12, Nr 2., ss. 5-24
Hewison R., 1989, Heritage: An interpretation’, in: D.L. Uzzell (ed.), Heritage Interpretation, Tom 1, Londyn: Belhaven (ss. 15-23)
Macdonalds S., 2006, Mediating Heritage: Tour Guides At The former Naziparty rally grounds, Norymberga, “Tourist Studies” 6 (2), (ss. 119-138)
Mikos v. Rohrscheidt A., 2014 a, Kierunki badań i naukowa bibliografia turystyki kulturowej w Polsce i na świecie. (Stan: sierpień 2014), „Turystyka Kulturowa” Nr 8, s. 86-135
Mikos v. Rohrscheidt A., 2014 b, Współczesne przewodnictwo miejskie. Metodyka i organizacja interpretacji dziedzictwa, Proksenia, Kraków
Sharing our stories. Guidelines for Heritage Interpretation, The National Trust of Australia, 2007, Text: Shar Jones
The ICOMOS Charter for the Interpretation and Presentation of Cultural Heritage Sites, Ratified by the 16th General Assembly of ICOMOS Quebec, Canada, 4 October 2008
The Nara Document on Authenticity, 1994, ICOMOS, Nara, Japan
Tilden F., 1957, Interpreting our Heritage, The University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill
Pastorelli J., 2003, Enriching the Experience – An Interpretative Approach to Tour Guiding, Pearson Education Australia, French Forest
Pond K., 1993, The professional Guide: Dynamics of Tour Guiding, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York
Weiler B., Black R., 2014, Tours Guiding Research. Insights, Issues and Implications, Chanel View Publications, Bristol
Weiler B., Ham S.H., 2001, Tour Guides and Interpretation in: D. Weawer (ed.) Encyclopedia of Ecotourism (ss. 549-563), Cabi Publishing, Wallingford
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.62875/tk.v3i0.719
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